

High empty load rate in logistics transportation requires accelerated intensification and informatization

Wei Feng, Deputy Director of the Intelligent Transportation and Connected Vehicle Industrialization Office of China's Transportation Communication Information Center, stated that there are still many problems in China's transportation industry that urgently need to be solved, such as the need to improve the integration level of transportation services, poor connectivity of transportation infrastructure, and lagging development of integrated transportation service information integration. At the same time, Wei Feng also stated that the current transportation market is a seller's market, with fewer sources of goods and more trucks. China's logistics transportation empty rate is as high as 45%, far higher than developed countries.

In recent years, with the rapid development of China's economy, logistics transportation has also made significant progress. Currently, China has established a comprehensive logistics transportation system consisting of railway transportation, highway transportation, waterway transportation, air transportation, and pipeline transportation, and infrastructure construction and transportation route planning have also been significantly improved. On this basis, more and more transportation companies are striving to tap into the profit potential in logistics. However, based on the current operation mode and actual economic benefits of enterprises, the profit income of the entire logistics and transportation industry in China is generally low. Among them, the problem of high empty running rate in logistics transportation is particularly prominent.

In fact, the root cause of the empty rate of logistics transportation lies in the low concentration of the logistics industry, which requires the industry to accelerate integration and development, and establish an orderly competitive market. The empty driving rate is also hindered by management mechanisms. With the continuous adjustment of economic structure, the contradictions between various modes of transportation are becoming increasingly prominent. Among them, the phenomenon of management system segmentation is quite serious, and various functional departments lack a unified and coordinated strategic thinking for logistics transportation, resulting in a lack of effective connection between various transportation modes, which to some extent restricts the normal functioning of logistics transportation. It can be said that the existing logistics and transportation management system in China is fundamentally unable to meet the demand for integrated supply chain management required by modern logistics.

The high empty driving rate is also related to the relatively low level of informatization. Compared with developed countries, the information management of logistics transportation in China is relatively scattered, and a unified logistics information management platform has not yet been established. In this way, vehicle scheduling and transportation loading cannot fully utilize the advantages of centralized and efficient large-scale operations, which slows down business handover and the rapid transmission of logistics information, greatly affecting transportation planning and control levels, resulting in a generally high empty driving rate of transportation vehicles.
Although many favorable policies such as the "Logistics Industry Adjustment and Revitalization Plan", "Opinions of the General Office of the State Council on Policy Measures to Promote the Healthy Development of the Logistics Industry", and "Medium - and Long Term Plan for the Development of the Logistics Industry (2014-2020)" have been introduced in recent years, overall, the problem of high logistics transportation empty rate in China has not been well solved.

The author believes that in order to achieve zero empty load in logistics transportation, it is not enough to rely solely on macroeconomic regulation and guidance of policies. It is also necessary to inject the power of technology and use information technology to improve logistics transportation efficiency. Especially in the Internet era, it is absolutely impossible to do without information services. Firstly, building a unified information platform can effectively gather various logistics enterprises and integrate and optimize existing logistics information, enabling reasonable allocation of vehicle scheduling and transportation loading, thereby helping to improve the overall efficiency of logistics transportation; Secondly, introducing modern information technology into the supply chain management system can improve the problem of difficult block segmentation management, promote close connection between various transportation modes, reduce logistics losses in intermediate links, and achieve optimal control of logistics transportation, thereby achieving the goal of cost reduction and efficiency improvement; Thirdly, by utilizing various processing functions such as data aggregation, integration optimization, analysis and prediction of information technology, the matching degree of logistics transportation can be improved, thereby maximizing the efficiency of logistics transportation.

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